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In the process of doing some tidying up, Jonathan Bye, consultant to Eric Lloyd & Co, came across some fascinating literature which highlights just how far technology has come during his 40+ years in estate agency.  A brochure highlighting all the benefits of computerisation for estate agency businesses from the 1980’s lists a small stand alone IBM computer with prices starting at £6,500.  If a business wanted multiple work stations then the prices started around £20,000 and that was back in the eighties!


40 years ago the measurement of room sizes for property particulars, no photos in those days, was carried out either using a tape measure or a trusty six foot folding rule – no metric equivalents then!  Measuring by using today’s pocket size laser measures was unheard of at that time.  In his University days part of Jonathan’s final year degree work involved determining the accuracy of measuring by laser.  The equipment used at that time was an extremely cumbersome and expensive set of scientific instruments which were carried in multiple cases and needed mains power to operate! 


Like the early computers this complex measuring equipment probably achieved less accurate and slower results than today’s lap tops, tablets and pocket size measures which are available at a fraction of their costs 40 years ago.