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With the lighter evenings and Easter only 6 weeks away, spring is in the air.

Spring is the traditional time when the activity levels in the housing market increase.   Gardens are beginning to wake-up, the sun is out and buyers start their search for a new home

If you are thinking of selling, now is the time to get your property listed on the market.  Here at Eric Lloyd & Co. we are always happy to send one of our experienced valuers along to have a chat about your home and the property market.

If you are already on the market, then have a look at the photographs that your agent has taken especially garden shots.  Winter garden photos can look a little sad with bare tress and shrubs and leaf-covered muddy lawns so when your garden starts to come back to life, it is a really good idea to get some fresh and colourful images taken.

Bill Bye, Managing Director said “Buyers have traditionally start searching for their new homes in the spring so if you are considering a move, then please get in contact”